
The UNITE Project: Army Educational Outreach: Introduction to Mechatronic at Jackson State University

MARRS Summer Workshop at Jackson State University (JSU)

Video One:

Bluetooth Rover-Demo is a demonstration of the project’s controls movement on a taped track via a regular smart phone.

Video Two:

Intro to Bluetooth Rover is an introduction to the project elements and control concept.

The programming of the Arduino UNO is the standard procedure typical in programming the Arduino boards and other microcontrollers using and integrated development system (IDE). It is important to note that the Arduino uses serial port for communication between a PC and the Arduino UNO board for a programming connection. This process also uses the power from of the USB port of the PC to power the Arduino. When the Arduino is connected to a USB port the battery supply to the Rover must be disconnected before programming the Arduino.

The Ultrasonic and Bluetooth modules use the same serial com port for their functions, so they cannot be coexist. The other notes are the power polarity and com port Rx & Tx connections must be correctly followed to prevent any damage to the modules.

The gear motor assemblies pairs are wired together as a “left drive” and “right drive.” When the Rover is signaled to move in a forward direction, both the right and left motor assemblies should turn in the same direction. If they do not, the solution is to reverse the two motor wire connections of one motor assembly on the Arduino motor driver board.

Looking Ahead

The 3D Rover Robot opens up a wide range of future experiments and activities in the engineering and STEM fields. Problem solving, mathematical and critical thinking skills are challenged through the design and development of 3D printed models and programming in a C-like programming language.

The building and programming the Rover Robot models provide insights into the kinds of skills and knowledge used in technical fields in developing prototypes using leading-edge production and electronic technologies. There is considerable interest in robot, wireless communication, autonomous technologies for industrial, military, and consumer applications. Education and study related to these fields require strong mathematical and science backgrounds. Activities such as the Rover project may stimulate interest and encouragement for young women and minorities investigate careers in engineering and science in military and civilian areas.